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Inorganic flocculant

The selection of inorganic flocculants is actually very simple, as long as you remember a few points.

1. Industrial sewage, wastewater, municipal sewage generally choose industrial grade polyaluminum chloride, the content is divided into 26-28%, usually 26% of wastewater treatment, 28% of municipal wastewater is recommended, the amount of sludge produced Will be relatively small.

2. The water reuse is selected from 28%-30% polyaluminium chloride.

3. Drinking water, tap water, industrial water, power plant raw water, industrial circulating water, etc. are all selected to use 30% content. The 30% content of polyaluminum chloride is the national drinking water level standard. In industrial water, power plant raw water, industrial cycle The reason for the use of water is that less sludge is produced and the treatment efficiency is higher.

4. Domestic sewage or sewage with higher phosphorus but better biochemistry choose aluminum sulfate. The advantage of aluminum sulfate is lower cost compared with other flocculant products, and the phosphorus removal rate is higher. The disadvantage is that the effect of flocculation and sedimentation is inferior to that of polyaluminium chloride. Therefore, the premise of selecting aluminum sulfate is that the biodegradability is higher, otherwise the floc will be difficult to settle.

5. Machine processing or cutting fluid waste water sometimes contains a small amount of waste engine oil, diesel oil, etc. floating on the surface of the water. This type of wastewater is selected from aluminum sulfate, which can remove water surface grease and play a role in demulsification. Aluminum sulfate can also be used as an ink wastewater for flocculation, degreasing and decolorization. (Note: only used as a grease to remove surface floating, oil or emulsion mixed with water or aluminum carbonate can not be removed with aluminum sulfate)

6. Power plant raw water, papermaking sewage, industrial sewage, etc. can choose to polymerize ferric sulfate.

7. Fenton reagent, printing and dyeing, leather, electroplating and other sewage containing heavy metals, chroma and COD are selected as ferrous sulfate. The advantage of ferrous sulfate is the low cost, and the disadvantage is that the amount of sludge produced is large.

8. Basic aluminum chloride is usually used as a sedimentation in industrial wastewater such as ink, leather, printing and dyeing, and the treatment cost is low. The disadvantage is that the base degree is high, and the dosage will become larger under low temperature environment. Use in the southern region or in a relatively constant temperature indoor water treatment process.

9. Water treatment of swimming pool, well water, reservoir water, etc. Spray-polymerized aluminum chloride is selected. The spray-dried polyaluminium chloride has a low base degree and is generally suitable for water with low turbidity.

10. Pure white polyaluminum chloride can be mainly used as paper sizing agent, cosmetic additive, food preservative, etc. It is relatively applied in water treatment industry, and is generally used as reverse osmosis or pure water, mineral water, etc. in water treatment. Water treatment.

Note: The above is only a reference. The actual selection needs to pass the small test or the pilot test. If you need to select the sample, you can contact the Noel Group and contact us at 0546-6283088.

Official website: www.nuoerchem.com




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